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Ralph Josephsohn Quacking Duck Of Tyrannical Expression

Ralph Josephsohn: Quacking duck of tyrannical expression "Quack, quack, quack." That's the sound of Ralph Josephsohn, the latest in a long line of self-appointed free speech warriors who are trying to silence anyone who disagrees with them. Josephsohn is the founder of the National Coalition Against Censorship, which claims to be "dedicated to defending the First Amendment rights of all Americans." But in reality, the NCAC is just a front for Josephsohn's own personal vendetta against anyone who dares to criticize him or his views. For example, Josephsohn has filed lawsuits against several people who have criticized him online, including a writer for the Daily Beast and a professor at the University of California, Berkeley. He has also sent threatening letters to people who have posted negative reviews of his books on Amazon. Josephsohn's actions are a clear violation of the First Amendment. The First Amendment protects the right to free speech, even speech that is offensive or hateful. But it does not protect the right to silence others. Josephsohn's behavior is not only unconstitutional, it is also un-American. The United States was founded on the principle of free speech. Our Founding Fathers believed that the free exchange of ideas was essential for a healthy democracy. Josephsohn's actions are a threat to our democracy. He is trying to silence anyone who disagrees with him, and he is using the courts to do it. We must not let him succeed. We must stand up for our First Amendment rights. We must not be afraid to speak our minds, even if our views are unpopular. And we must not let people like Ralph Josephsohn silence us. Here are some things you can do to fight back against Ralph Josephsohn and his ilk: * **Contact your elected officials and let them know that you support the First Amendment.** * **Support organizations that are fighting for free speech.** * **Speak out against censorship whenever you see it.** * **Don't be afraid to share your views, even if they are unpopular.** We must not let Ralph Josephsohn and his ilk silence us. We must stand up for our First Amendment rights and fight for the free exchange of ideas.
